خانه انجمن ها سوالات متداول خودرویی oral medication for scabies Discover the best medications for managing symptoms

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در حال نمایش 1 نوشته (از کل 1)
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  • #35316 Reply

    The efficacy of ivermectin 12mg against a wide range of parasites is attributed to its unique mode of action, which involves binding to glutamate-gated chloride channels in the nerve and muscle cells of parasites, leading to paralysis and death. This mechanism selectively targets parasites while having minimal impact on mammalian cells, contributing to the drug’s safety and tolerability. Additionally, ivermectin’s long half-life allows for convenient once-a-year or once-every-six-month dosing regimens in certain indications, further enhancing its utility in mass drug administration programs.

در حال نمایش 1 نوشته (از کل 1)
پاسخ به : oral medication for scabies Discover the best medications for managing symptoms
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